Wednesday 11 February 2015

More about ships.

While the galaxy-map plus it's generation come along nicely, I am also working on the shipbuilder, and general shiphandling system. The ships will be put together by using a varying set of modules (dependant on the port where the re-fitting or building is done), each with different attributes and options.
The whole thing will start with a cockpit (usually contains two seats, some with a payload option to add two more), and a number of hardpoints where further parts can be put.

Here are some sample configurations I mocked up while trying out the code for the actual shipbuilding module.
The lower two ships could be considered the Universe's equivalent to other places' spacefighter with crews from 2 to 8 individuals, possibly 10, while the upper two could be considered small 'starships' (or 'destroyers' if you like spaceboats).

While the shipbuilder has quite a way to go yet, there is one more point I've been working on.

The default view of your ship, when it's not docked or landed anywhere will either be the interior (cockpit/cic/wherever), or 'outside' view, from where you can issue commands to your crewmen, and perform all neccesary tasks.
To do this effectively, the 'outside view' will also support a 'cutaway' mode where you can conveniently see inside your ship's sections, and send your crewmen around to man stations, perform repairs, put out fires - pretty much like in FTL, but with 3D graphics.